A Safe Place

Using Clinical Supervision Groups to Build Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Skills





interprofessional education, interprofessional collaboration, roles, teamwork, clinical supervision, professional identity


Interprofessional collaborative practice (ICP) is an essential skill in today’s healthcare environment that can be cultivated through interprofessional education (IPE) in higher education, as students are in the process of developing their professional identities. Undergraduate social work field students and nursing students in clinical rotation explored their experiences together in clinical supervision groups co-led by instructors from both fields. Researchers used a mixed methods approach to measure changes in feelings and skills related to ICP among students who participated in clinical supervision groups. Eighteen nursing and social work students participated; those involved in the interprofessional clinical supervision groups performed better on the Inter-professional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS) than the comparison group. Qualitative themes indicated that students enhanced their interprofessional knowledge; improved their interprofessional communication skills; and increased their comfort levels on an interprofessional team. Implications and suggestions for implementation are discussed.

Author Biography

Melissa Copenhaver, Northern Michigan University

Melissa Copenhaver, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Nursing. In 1997 Melissa Copenhaver graduated from Northern Michigan University (NMU) with her BSN in Nursing.  She later went on to receive a Masters Degree in Social Work from Grand Valley State University in 2005 and a Masters Degree in Nursing Education from Excelsior College in 2013.  Melissa is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Nursing Practice at NMU.   Melissa has worked in community health for over 15 years.  She is endorsed as an Infant Mental Health Specialists, ANCC certified in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing and is a Certified Nurse Educator.  She previously taught various nursing courses at Lake Superior State University before starting at Northern Michigan University in 2013.  She also provides reflective supervision/consultation for several early childhood agencies.


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